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Cases 0
The three t´s of modern myth-making
In its remarkable article about Disney the Economist claims in its actual christmas issue three T´s as key factors to success in modern storytelling and myth-making: Tropes, technology ...
Cases 2
“Push, Nevada”
In the following, we want to introduce you to the world of the first big transmedia storytelling project created and produced in Hollywood. Some of you may know ...
Marketing 0
As human as possible
During our visit last week at Facebook in London we got an introduction into the coming up company products. Most of the talk has been “of the record” ...
Publication 0
Tangible first
Today we explored the first transmedia case of the Innovation Field Trip in London – Monocle. From our perspective it is far more than a (high end printed) ...
Ideas and Concepts 0
It all comes down to meta data
Two smart guys in Tel Aviv have the idea to use technology and bring down video production costs – Wochit. In Iceland bright minds think about automated data ...
Trends 0
How do english media houses deal with digital storytelling?
We arrived in London! As mentioned yesterday, Storyfloat is heading to English media companies exploring trends in the field of digital media. The key question of this innovation field ...
Trends 0
Exploring Londons digital world
Storyfloat is heading to Englands capital. During a 5 day innovation trip we will explore digital media trends on site (11.05 to 11.09.2015). Meetings with expert executives from ...
Trends 0
The board is alive
Last Friday we visited the “Spiel 15” in Essen/Germany. The Spiel is the international biggest fair for board and table top games. Here is our review with six key observations: ...
Interactive Fiction Reloaded
When I was a youth I enjoyed playing interactive RPG adventure books called Fighting Fantasy Books by Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson. I still have some of the these very ...
Technology 0
Four Livestreaming Apps you should know
The first encounter with mobile live streaming apps I had 2013 in Tel Aviv. At this time Yevvo offered users the opportunity to stream live to their network. ...